
Quality, reliable filtration is an essential component of maintaining sophisticated, modern Marine engine. Over the past decade, numerous emissions standards and engineering achievements have come together to create advanced, clean and flexible engines.

Concerns over fuel quality and oil contamination from  sludge, moisture, algae, rust, scale and other contaminants  leading to high maintenance cost of these vessels, is making owners more aware of additional measures that are needed to protect their assets!

The added problem of a failure or breakdown of the injectors and or pumps in a remote, isolated area is a very real, problematic and potentially dangerous situation to owner or operator.

UDF filters will protect the diesel injectors and pumps and improve performance and efficiency of your vessel, plus reducing the emissions produced by the engine.

All owners of marine vessels should request a UDF filter system is fitted to protect their investment.

UDF filters are 20 times more effective than your standard filters fitted to your diesel engine.

Power your way into the future with ​Cleaner fuel!​


Improved Performance
Reduced Emissions
Improved Lifecycle

© UDF Australia